Finra Eases Two-year Limit For Unregistered Sas

One of the biggest bugbears for SAs is the danger of losing their licence once they are out of work. From the date of being de-registered by a firm, SAs have two years to get re-registered and keep their licence active. If they don’t manage this, after the two years are up, they have to retake the Series 16 exam, but they can only do this if they can persuade a firm to take them on and sponsor them to do so. However, most firms require SAs to have an active licence in place before they will hire them. This leads to a Catch-22 situation: in order to get re-registered they have to be taken on by a firm, but in order to be taken on by a firm they have to be registered! Some firms will allow unregistered SAs to retake the exam while working and sometimes it is possible to obtain a waiver from FINRA. But neither option is certain. This has been a source of unfairness for out-of-work SAs, particularly those who have had the bad luck of losing work during a prolonged downturn. Change is comin...